The Foundation

 › The Foundation

“Quality of life is more important than life itself.”

Prof. Nino Masera

All older people, whether autonomous or not, have the right to live with dignity, because older people are above all people… .


We believe in a world where no older person should ever feel alone when facing difficulties.

“The foundation offers social and healthcare assistance for older people…



Nino Masera was Director of the Surgical Ward of INRCA-IRCCS of Ancona (the only public Institute of Scientific Research and Treatment in Italy that deals specifically with Geriatrics and Gerontology) and Professor of Geriatric Surgery of the Faculty of Medicine of Ancona.

In 1982 the Foundation Biancalana-Masera for Older Surgical Adults was created by Prof. Nino Masera.

The foundation, recognized by Decree of the President of the Marche Region, in twenty years of activity, directly followed by Prof. Nino Masera, dealt with surgical risk and especially of how surgical patients live.

For these activities, 246 fellowships for study and assistance were funded, and over 280 scientific articles were published in a virtuous cycle with no boundaries between research and assistance.

The innovative feature was combining hospital surgery with pre and post-operative activities to be carried out in the homes of older people.

The issue nowadays is even more relevant in light of the extensive phase of de-hospitalization we are experiencing.

Based on this experience from the early eighties, the Foundation has evolved its primary objectives to involve the entire sphere of older peoples’ lives, ranging from prevention activities to support following surgery, to continuously improve quality of life using medical, rehabilitative, nursing, social and technological interventions.

This evolution has led us to rethink the main objectives of the Foundation, extending the scope of potential interventions to which the Foundation can turn, interventions already inherent in the new wording “Nino Masera Foundation for the Welfare of Older People” in which the surgical component is matched to geriatric and gerontological elements with the main objective to maintain healthy seniors, assuring them a state of physical, mental and social wellbeing, and not just eliminating illness.


(foto Prof. Nino Masera)


President: Dr. La Rocca Roberto

Vice President and Secretary: Dr. Filippo Masera

Adviser: Engineer Piero Masera

Adviser: Dr. Carlos Chiatti